Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"I Bet The Kitties Scatter Like Little Buggies When You Walk Down The Street"

American Horror Story.... I honestly don't get it. It's all sex and ghosts, and a story line that's all over the place. but i'm sooo hooked on it.

Anywho, back to business.
I hate that as we get older, big events lose their meaning. My 19th birthday is in two days, and everyday i wake up, i have to re-remind myself. I wouldn't be surprised if i wake up friday and don't realize it until someone says soemthing. although, now that i've said that, i'll probably remember. haa.

ahem. uhmm... HOLY CRAP, SHE BIT HIS DICK OFF!!! D:
sorry, american horror story. seriously, if you've never seen it, you should most certainly watch it. but you have to start at the beginning to understand it.

uh... aaaaaaaaaanyway......

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Websites I Love

These are in no particular order. I just couldn't think of anything else to blog about. (If you're really lucky, I'll come up with something else tonight, and do TWO posts tonight!)

Just a bunch of drawing tutorials. from cartoony to realistic, reality to mythology, cute to scary.

Darkly-humored comics. so wrong, but so funny.

just funny memes. my favorites are foul bachelorette frog and joseph ducreux.

it's hard to believe real people can be this dumb.



cute clothes.

cute stuff.

cute animals.

not so cute people.


hmm..... I think this post is a failure... bleh. it's been a long day. Sue me.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all."

Guesssssss what i'm watching.
Theeeeeee Breakfast Club.

I used to like Bender, but then I realized that he was just a jackass, begging for attention. Then I liked the "basket case" but I changed my mind because she gave into peer pressure and completely changed herself, because the prom queen said she should. Plus she was just an attention-whore too. I never really liked Claire; her prissy, better than everyone, rich bitch attitude pissed me off from day one. . the jock thinks he's just sooooo tough, always saying things like, "well if we weren't here, or if it weren't for such and such, i would so toootally kick your ass"; no bite, and barely a bark. The nerd is definitely my favorite; he's just as nerdy in the beginning as he is in the end. His character is just more relatable. I mused to wish he got the girl in the end (the basketcase, not the prom queen), but i'm much happier in the fact that someday, he will own them all. <3