Monday, December 26, 2011

This post is gonna piss some people off. Yay controversy!!

I've decided I'm going to give my philosophy on "GOD". (to all the super religious people, I dindt put the name in quotes because i dont believe in him/her/it, i put it in quotes because it goes by so many names. Dont start getting all psycho on me.)
people say that you'll go to "hell" for being homosexual, being a woman, being "bad", breaking rules, premarital sex, not listening to your parents, using god's name in vain, cussing, etc.
I dont believe this. I dont think that any higher spirit is going to waste it's time on whether or not you commit these small "sins". I mean, really, if you had 3 billion children, and some of them are committing mass murders, rapes, bombings, etc, would you waste your time on the ones that are having sex with someone of the same gender?
it doesn't seem to me that this would be priority.
I've been told that babies that die before they've been saved will go straight to hell because they have "original sin" and all such nonsense. As I said earlier, I don't think "God" is going to waste his time on this. a baby who dies in the womb, has not been exposed to the evils of the world. they are pure. Eben babies who die in early childhood, i believe are still pure. they don't know any evil. they are just these tiny bundles of purity and love. why would someone who is supposed to love us so much send an innocent baby to burn forever, when he or she hasn't been alive to have an evil thought, let alone do any evil.
Homosexuality. Ooh, all you bible-freaks just died a little bit inside, didn't you? get over it. it's 2011. the earliest report of homosexuality dates back to 2400 BCE, and it's been around since long before that. it has been observed in close to 1500 species, excluding humans. if it's unnatural, why is it found so frequently in nature? religion teaches that God loves everyone, but hates homosexuals. Make a decision. God will love me more for loving than he will love you for hating.
you just have to get over yourselves. I respect how you feel. You don't believe in premarital sex, you can wait, I respect that. You don't believe in homosexuality, don't be gay, I'm cool with that too. But I don't have to be you, and that doesn't make me a bad person. If i want to sleep with half of my town, boys and girls, that's my business. If i want to have five kids by five different dads, that's also my business. my life is not your decision. I don't have to accommodate you. I don't flaunt my life style in your face, you don't have to shove your bible down my throat. if you do, I'll spit it right back in your face.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Lazy Rainy Days

There are only six days till Christmas, and it's still warm enough that you really don't need more than a a jacket. this is crazy. There's still so much to do. I have a few more presents to wrap, Tallie has a ton that I can't help with, and we still have to put the finishing touches on out-going gifts.I bet Santa's nowhere near being done either. We started Christmas preparation in October, how are we still so far from being done?!

So, we're having our bathroom redone. It was originally planned to be done in two to three days. The first day, they took out the shower, sink, and medicine cabinet, and tore up the floor. The second day, they started to put a new floor in, now, in our bathroom, we have a toilet, a light switch, and two sheets of wood nailed down. and they might not be back to work on it til Thursday..... ugh. we wont have a  shower installed till Friday at the very earliest. Yuck.

What do you guys think about having a guest poster? If anyone is interested in doing one, let me know. I'll let you post pretty much anything. :D

I have an obsession with memes lately...

Sunday, December 4, 2011


So, I'm back on sunflower seeds again. Is it disgusting that it's the same unfinished bag? oh well. 
"Alright, I guess this is the night bitches die." Hahh, Stewie.
so... I really don't have anything to write about.. the only reason i am is because I haven't since the 16th... 
A cowboy arrives in town on Friday, stays three days, and leaves in Friday. How does he do it?
I've had this page sitting her untouched for like 45 minutes.
i'm looking for more brain teasers.
I hate watching the news... I just don't understand how people can do the things they do.. 
oh well. I give up. goodnight.