Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Things I Can't Do...

  1. I can't make pancakes. 
  2. Or waffles.
  3. I can't pass a mirror without looking.
  4. I can't chew gum. I used to chew gum ALL THE TIME. Like, imagine what you would consider too much gum-chewing. Now triple it. That was me. And now, because of that, I have (undiagnosed) TMJ. Which really sucks because I REALLY WANT A PIECE OF GUM.
  5. I really can't estimate. I can't guess what time it is without an indicator, I can't estimate how long something is going to take, I can't estimate how many of X is in Y. I can't guess how long a movie has been on or has left. Just can't do it.
  6. I can't not sing along to Disney Movies. 
  7. Or Tim Burton movies. Especially Nightmare Before Christimas. <3 <3 <3
  8. I can't wear a hat. I like hats, and I have a few, but whenever I think, "Oh, I'll wear this today" I pretty much wear it for five minutes, then get self-conscious and think I look ridiculous and take it off. Oh well. 
  9. I can't not finish a mind puzzle. like a word search or Sudoku, or similar things. if I start one, I want to finish it in the same sitting. Crossword puzzles don't really apply here. Not really my thing. It's mostly Sudoku; if I start one and try to come back to it later, I get really confused. 
  10. I can't comfortably watch TV with the volume on any number that's not a multiple of five. ESPECIALLY if it's X1, X4, X6, or X9 because JEEZ JUST TURN IT UP OR DOWN ONE, IT'S LIKE THE EXACT SAME. 
  11. I can't sleep in pitch darkness. I have a slight fear of the dark. 
  12.  I can't figure out depth of field. I changed the stupid aperture, and the background won't get clearer. Blehh. 
  13. When I'm doodling, I can't leave a line alone if I didn't draw it perfectly how i want it. Which eventually leads it into an unbelievably thick indistinguishable block, which I then have to erase and redo, leading into a vicious cycle. 
  14. If I see one of those stupid pictures on facebook with a mathematical equation, that asks which is the right answer, I can't not solve it. I don't comment the answer because anything that asks for likes and comments and shares is stupid, by default. But I do solve them. Actually, not even just those; most times I see an equation....
  15. I can't ever decide when my lists should stop. Let's just stop here. 15 is a multiple of five. 

It's not bad to not be able to do something, and it's not bad to acknowledge the things you can't do; it's pretty worse to ignore that you have flaws, even though it kinda sucks at first. Eventually, you'll accept things as fact, or learn to improve yourself.