Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Since last we spoke:

I went to Colorado.
I got a septum piercing.
Started gauging my ears. I'm up to a 10 now. Cuz i'm kewl.
Graduated Community college with a 3.05 GPA and enrolled in "real" college.
Got dreads. 
Started the journey toward having dreads.
Hopelessly and emotionally obsessed over my grandma's old house.
started (trying) to buy a car on Craigslist.
Thought about Dozer a lot.
That's all.....

Here's my timeline!

I'll also try to figure out how to add a widget showing a countdown (count up?) showing the real time age of my 31 new babies. once I do figure out how to do that I'll put it over there somewhere. =========>

I realized this is a rather incoherent post. not that that's a new concept. Sometimes I read other peoples' blogs and wonder if they plan out what they're going to blog about. they probably do. they might even make outlines and drafts. That has never been a strength of mine. I pretty much always just started essays by diving in head first. That's probably gonna cause problems for me in real college.

oh well.

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