Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"I Bet The Kitties Scatter Like Little Buggies When You Walk Down The Street"

American Horror Story.... I honestly don't get it. It's all sex and ghosts, and a story line that's all over the place. but i'm sooo hooked on it.

Anywho, back to business.
I hate that as we get older, big events lose their meaning. My 19th birthday is in two days, and everyday i wake up, i have to re-remind myself. I wouldn't be surprised if i wake up friday and don't realize it until someone says soemthing. although, now that i've said that, i'll probably remember. haa.

ahem. uhmm... HOLY CRAP, SHE BIT HIS DICK OFF!!! D:
sorry, american horror story. seriously, if you've never seen it, you should most certainly watch it. but you have to start at the beginning to understand it.

uh... aaaaaaaaaanyway......

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